FA BAO Gardening
FA BAO Gardening
FA BAO Gardening is basically located in Phnom Penh city, National Road 1 about 24 kilometers, within inoculate room, medical room, sterilize room, cultivate room, laboratory, plant refining room and glass green house, and there are 30 specialists to handle plants tissue culture. The variety of principle cultivation are carrying Haworthia,Economic Crops, flower and plant garden that currently have 2000 of phenomenon, Hawathia Truncata Vaeiegata and Succulent plant. The plan for the next 3 to 5 years is to make a flower gardens that content 2 million of trees, seeds and plant cultivation places.
FA BAO Gardening is basically located in Phnom Penh city, National Road 1 about 24 kilometers, within inoculate room, medical room, sterilize room, cultivate room, laboratory, plant refining room and glass green house, and there are 30 specialists to handle plants tissue culture. The variety of principle cultivation are carrying Haworthia,Economic Crops, flower and plant garden that currently have 2000 of phenomenon, Hawathia Truncata Vaeiegata and Succulent plant. The plan for the next 3 to 5 years is to make a flower gardens that content 2 million of trees, seeds and plant cultivation places.